Privacy Policy

The protection of our customers and clients is of the utmost importance to us. Red Panda Learning Limited will comply with applicable GDPR legislation, handling all personal data lawfully within its parameters.

We will ensure that all personal data provided to Red Panda Learning Limited meets the GDPR standard in that we will seek individual consent before using any personal data. We will ensure that appropriate safeguards are in place to protect the individual information held by Red Panda Learning Limited.

Our commitment is that we will:

  • Seek your permission before handling your personal information.
  • Provide you with clear information about how any personal data will be used.
  • Allow you access to any of your personal information held by the company.
  • Ensure you have the right to remove any of your personal data from the company data base unless this is subject to any legal requirement.
  • Ensure you have the right to restrict the use of any data that belongs to you and is held by the company.
  • Allow you to object to the use of your personal data.

© 2024 Red Panda Learning